benefits of being a professional athlete

Research also showsthat college athletes are employed at slightl… The advantages and disadvantages of being a professional sportsman Being a professional sportsman requires much effort and devotion. Competition for professional athlete jobs will continue to be extremely intense. These days most entry-level jobs start with 10 vacation days per year—14 if you're lucky. This inconveniences the athlete and their family and may even put them in danger. With the mass media taking hold of sports and increasing the global audience, many sports were introduced to a larger and a global audience and the sports also raked in a lot of money. There are many benefits to being involved in athletics in high school. Maybe it wouldn’t even be nearly as great an experience as we’d imagine, but getting to tell everyone that it didn’t live up to the hype would be an even better experience! Take Tiger Woods, for example, who according to Forbes made $78 million in the last year—or roughly $214,000 a day. This is especially true in the NBA. The positive, direct effects of engaging in regular physical activity are particularly apparent in the prevention of several chronic diseases, including: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity, depression and osteoporosis. There are some people who have been on Twitter, tweeting regularly, for five or more years that have less than 50 followers. There have been approximately a billion lists and articles devoted to WAGs—athlete wives or girlfriends—over the years. A very small number of high school or college athletes become professional athletes. Barry Bonds became known for breaking Hank Aaron’s home run record, only to be exposed for allegedly using steroids. See below for a description of all of our benefits. Create Lifelong Relationships. A young aspiring athlete can use professional athletes as inspiration to shoot for the stars. It’s when people become indifferent that it hurts. You see more athletes in commercials than any actor of our generation due to two main factors; money and publicity. It’s acceptable to wear sweatpants every single day. When you are a good sportsman you can also train with the best and learn much more from them. But that’s just the world in which we live. What, you need technique to jump over a hurdle?! And that’s because athletes have access to a very glorious dating pool that is stocked with gloriously beautiful fish. They feel pride because they gave the sport their all and the sport has repaid them with accolades. Making a living as a professional competitor—not just in a competitive field, but in actual competition—makes having a nemesis both normal and natural. A small portion of being a successful athlete depends on your actual skills on the field, on the court, on the hill or on the ice, while the rest is having mental strength and being a good teammate. Con 1: Sweat pants will be the only pants that … Salary & benefits. Some of them have even less than 10. What is more when you win competitions and championships you became a famous person. According to a report by Frontline, on average 96% of former NFL players show signs of, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or brain damage. Or traverse the ugly terrain of ever-changing kitchen politics within an office place. The benefits of coaching are many; 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. Elite athletes train extensively for years, letting their sport consume the majority of their young lives, often making extensive personal sacrifices in order to pursue their dreams of glory. Sponsorship money helps an athlete to increase their pay even more and pay more to get the best quality kits and equipment that they need to play the sport. Find out what benefits are given to players of the NBA, NHL and more. Of course the perks of being a professional athlete extend far beyond never having to deal with daily passive-aggressive notes about crumbs on the counter or the cleanliness of the microwave. Baseball players may experience shoulder and elbow damage, basketball players can develop weak ankles, soccer players can damage their knees, etc. Most professional athletes today knew from a young age that they were destined to be active in their job, not behind a desk. Being a p ro athlete has some of the best perks. Athletes have the opportunity to court and befriend an entirely next-level social circle, the likes of which the rest of us can hardly even imagine. Legal aspects of being a professional athlete: contracts. What are the benefits of being an athlete? Even though some aren’t paid nearly as much as people often assume, by and large they do a lot better financially than your average person. That being said, it’s gotta feel good to be aggressively adored by a large group of people. However, all that glitters is not gold. Your name, picture, and information are all over the internet and many students know who you are. They make huge financial sacrifices, moving away from family to train full-time, cutting time on their academic studies and sacrificing personal relationships. Athletes can also sustain serious long-term damage to joints, muscles, and bones while playing a sport. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do for a living when I was younger; the only thing I knew I wanted was a job that included a lot of travel. But perhaps the biggest achievement of being a professional athlete is the honor of competing and winning. In public places like discos and restaurants other people treat you like VIP. Pro Athlete offers each employee life insurance. The first advantage is the fame. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or brain damage. For us regular adult folks, having a personal professional nemesis may be entertaining on some level for some period of time, but after awhile it starts to become sad—particularly to those on the outside looking in. From young ages, children from all backgrounds and countries idolize professional athletes and aspire to be like them in the future. Certain sportspeople are paid more handsomely than others, such as footballers, boxers, F1 drivers and tennis players. Whether they love you or hate you, it doesn’t matter. An athlete’s performance leaves them prone to the media’s harsh opinions, especially after a loss. Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the chronic diseases that afflict us, can be controlled or even reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. In sports like football and basketball, the athletes can earn millions of dollars. Treating sports as an occupation has its advantages and disadvantages, as every job does. In case you haven’t noticed, this website is all about bringing better performance to esports … Many athletes, however, simply make money through endorsements, sponsorship, prize money and appearance fees. You don’t have to be obsessed with celebrity and addicted to supermarket tabloids to recognize it would be pretty cool to have a couple of celebrity friends. In the real world being an eccentric, borderline-crazy spectacle isn’t something that tends to benefit most people. Children look up to so many professional athletes such as Stephen Curry, Carli Lloyd, Hunter Pence, Ronda Rousey, Cristiano Ronaldo, and more. Some of the most notable athletes ink deals worth into the tens of millions per year, with a very elite few bringing in over $50 million. Another advantage of being professional sportsman is fame. Most professional sports pay their (male) athletes astronomical sums of money. It is often said that a sports star will die twice, the first time at retirement. Their job shouldn’t be viewed as any more or less prestigious than any other regular working job. The few burdens these athletes face are overlooked because ultimately they are doing what they love and it’s all for the love of the game- not the money. To get a gym membership or to not get a gym membership. Athletes have the kind of money and number of desperate hangers-on in their lives to really make that dream a reality. The fact of the matter is that playing a professional sport requires much more behind the scenes work. Although this is often because of the contractual obligations involved, which extend well beyond just sporting performance. Fame, notoriety, and financial benefits are three of the things that many professional athletes obtain. Working On Your Discipline. The existence of professional athletes is also debated due to their high salaries. To actually go to the gym or to not actually go to the gym. Boxer Floyd Mayweather has an entourage so massive that the dude charged with laundering his gold-plated draws probably makes six figures. Sportspeople are well-known all over the world and they also glorify their country and nation. You can build a big nice house and have everything you want. You’re regarded as a celebrity on campus, and people blush when talking to you or sitting next to you in class. Here is a breakdown of some of the key benefits that athletes will experience with proper nutrition: First and foremost, the thing that most athletes focus on about eating a healthy diet is that it really does fuel your performance. At the end of the day, professional athletes have a life to work for; they get to play the sport they love everyday and get paid for it. Oops, the illusion is … It doesn’t matter how stupid or inane or just plain ridiculous what they post is, being a professional athletes means a built-in audience for whatever and whenever you want. Derrick Rose, Amar’e Stoudemire, Rajon Rondo, Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum and Dwyane Wade are just a few NBA players who have missed excessive playing time in recent years. Not to mention, athletes like this almost seem to be idolized like Gods- for nothing more than an hour of playing time, if even that. Moreover, it also gives a professional athlete scientific knowledge about the discipline of sports. Think Marko Jaric would’ve ended up living in wedded bliss with Adriana Lima if he pursued a career in accounting or selling used cars? They travel for road games, international competitions, All-Star Games, personal appearances and various other professional events.