cast tool documentation

So by saving as Windows Formatted Text it forces a CR+LF at the end. The field can contain up to 5,000 characters. This will work best when only a few invalid BMPs are found. The state option allows the user to select a scenario for each state referenced. Due to the length of the documentation, it is divided into sections. For example, content that is tagged with the 11.0.5 icon applies to version 11.0.5 and all subsequent versions unless specifically overridden. Each grid is organized by sectors (Agriculture, Developed, and Natural) with details provided for each scenario. The user can download Cost Profiles from the Cost Profile page. The user can download the data in the Pre-BMP grid at the top of each BMP tab using the Download button. Access is restricted to a limited set of report types and the state geographic scale. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Land segments are counties or portions of counties where there is a distinct difference within the county, like a change in physiographic region. The user can use Scenario Description to provide updates as values are changed or as a quick view of the variables used to create a scenario or other pollution reduction actions that are not accounted for in the scenario such as the agencies or departments that collaborated in creating the scenario. CAST next calculates the edge of septic field load prior to denitrification and pumping. The Shared Scenario grid allows users to view the public and other user-generated scenarios that have been shared with them. A cost profile is required to create a scenario and the user has the options of using the official state profile, a shared cost profile or one they have created. See Animal BMPs FAQs for more information. It is a complete suite of documents that allows you to describe and document test planning, test design, test execution, test results that are drawn from the testing activity. Use the Download Data button to generate an Excel file to make your changes on your computer and import your corrected BMPs using the Upload BMP option on the Edit Scenario page. This is true for natural load sources such as stream bed and bank and shoreline, which are measured in miles. The WATFS is a permanent part of the Health Record. During 2018-2019, the states develop the Phase 3 WIP using this newly updated version of CAST. The last section of the document (Section 6.6) includes BMP exceptions, which may be useful in explaining unanticipated results. that may put your organization at risk. See Compare Scenarios FAQs for more information. Using this cost formula makes evaluations of costs among scenarios more comparable. The user has several options for addressing invalid BMPs. The user can create a file of BMPs or download such a file from the Reports Page by selecting BMP Input Files for an existing scenario. The user can add, edit or delete BMPs in the BMP Data Submitted grid. deadline of 2025 is met, BMPs will need to remain in place to control This verification step verifies that the file format and length of the characters is correct. This will restrict the BMPs to only those eligible for that load source. Information on upcoming webinars and registration links are also provided on this page. Using the aip-encryption-tool AIP Console ≥ 1.12.x. The field has a maximum capacity of 5,000 characters which can be used. Costs are annualized average costs per unit of BMP (e.g. The page always opens on the Edit Scenario Metadata tab shown below. Results are available only at the state-basin scale because the Chesapeake Bay Program provided targets only at that scale. The tab displays a list of invalid BMPs generated during the validation process in the scenario creation process. The VectorCAST Tool Validation Package for IEC 61508, ISO 26262, EN 50128, FDA and IEC 62304 provides documentation, certificates, and templates that help you use VectorCAST on projects based on the IEC 61508, ISO 26262, EN 50128, FDA and IEC 62304 standards and FDA guidelines. The Maps page allows users to view or compare maps based on publicly shared scenarios including annual progress, no action, Everything by Everyone, Everywhere (E3) and Phase 2 Watershed Implementation Plans (WIP2). The data are at the county scale, which is the finest scale available from NASS. The user can expect a follow up email from the CAST Team after the error is corrected or if additional information is requested to resolve the issue. The extension is ready after installing it with CAST Extension Downloader. That is, selecting District of Columbia will effect no change in Maryland or Virginia. State-owned lands are included in the non-federal category. Click on any dollar amount and type in a A tab delimiter must be used while entering the required data and the default file name can be modified to reflect the user’s preferences. Progress scenarios are sometimes denoted by a V, or version number. Recommendation: Use the description as a quick reference of the selections used to create the scenario which can be seen from the My Scenario Grid. The Scenario Status tool tip in the My Scenarios grid provides information on where your scenario is in the processing cycle and what options may be available to the user, such as viewing the results on the Reports page or using the scenario for comparison. The loads are pounds per year. Check boxes also allow the users to restrict the scenario list to only items from the user's Scenario list, Shared Scenarios, Public Scenarios or any combination of the three. Selecting the Group option changes the page display to offer the user three options: selecting an existing user group as it is currently composed, modifying and applying an existing group or creating a new user group to apply to this scenario. CAST is the computing-enabled process of software testing performed using a combination of software- and hardware-based tools … Hovering over the bars in the graph will display the numerical values for each bar. The Register page is used to capture data for the user profile and the email provided will be utilized as the CAST username for the account. From the My Cost Profiles grid, the user can: create profiles; edit cost profile metadata and BMPs; view the last date modified; and download or delete items. A complete list of possible scenario statuses is in the table below. After editing, click the Save button to update the scenario BMP data. iii. A back-out process in the model allows for the BMP acres to remain in place for tracking BMP progress, but the model no longer credits the movement of reported acres from one land use to another. There are two types of Manure Treatment BMPs: Manure Transport and Manure Treatment Technologies. : $/acre treated/year). Click the Graph button to create the graphs once the selections are made. See Land Policy BMP FAQs for more information. The animal count tab includes both the number of animals and the animal units. See Developed BMPs FAQs for more information. When the report is ready, the user will receive an email with a link to automatically download the report. The Zip Stick slides under … Clicking on the Export to Excel button downloads an excel file with data shown on the screen. The loading rate is the pounds per acre per year for load sources that are measured in acres. Additional waste water sets may be submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Program if you want other options than those that appear in the dropdown. The units are pounds per acre per year. The example below is for the Land BMP sample file. All NP, RN, LPN, ESN, SN. The user can view the results of their scenarios in various reports, graphs and comparisons which can be selected from the Results dropdown in the menu bar. New to Right Click Tools? All reports can be downloaded for viewing. This is the load that reaches the edge of a small stream. The scenario status will display Editing on the Scenarios Page during this time. Click on the links below to read through the different portions of the documentation. Graphical Interface to the Phase 6 Watershed Model Inputs. The user will be automatically logged out and returned to the Home Page to log in with the new password. Attachments (0) Page History People who can view Page Information Resolved comments View in Hierarchy Upon upload, the data is verified to match the required formatting and error messages and confirmation of success or failure are provided. This content applies to the most recently released version, and all previous versions of IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.x, unless otherwise tagged. On any of the BMP tabs, click the Edit link next to the BMP in the BMP Data Submitted grid to open a specific Edit BMP pop up. The load is not comparable to the edge of stream in older versions of the model. ii. In addition to the Read Me tab, there are tabs for Summary Loads, Detailed Loads, Land BMPs, Animal BMPs, Manure Treatment BMPs. The edge of stream (EOS) and edge of tide (EOT) loads are provided for total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), and total suspended solids (S). Irrigation Water Capture Reuse represents treatment of runoff from container nursery operations. The sharing options available are selecting Group or Selected Users from the dropdown. There is another validation step once the scenario is created that checks that the BMP names, unit, geographies and other information is correct. The link in the email will be active for only 30 days. Scenario Status Example 2 – If a system error occurs, an email will be sent to you and the CAST Team who will contact you directly to resolve the issue. Option to share a scenario with individuals and/or groups. The existing BMP data can be modified or deleted and then replaced with the new information. The View Documentation button links to the section of the User Documentation pertaining to page being displayed. Composite BMPs are included for tillage, cover crop, pasture management, waste management, barnyard runoff controls, and stormwater practices. Continuing to credit the benefit would double-count the BMP. SmartBear Collaborator is a code review tool that is suitable for remote as well as co-located teams. Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Last accessed [Month, Year]. Both links in the email open the Reset Password Page where the user can enter their new password. Only leguminous plants fix nitrogen, so the fixed nitrogen input only applies to load sources that may contain crops or plants that are leguminous. An animal units is 1,000 pounds of live animal. 1-20. Clicking the Contact Us link in the Menu Bar without logging in will open a pop up with two required fields: Subject and Message. The information listed for shared profiles include: cost profile name, author, date modified and a download link. The user can download, delete or view metadata on the displayed reports using the associated icons. The sector option allows users to select different scenarios for Agriculture, Developed, Animal, Natural, Septic and Land Policy BMPs. CAST generated technical documentation provides clear insight into the technical struc- ture of SAP customizations. These BMPs affect the concentration of nutrients in animal manure or the amount of manure on the feeding space load sources. These costs are for a single year, and are not The calibration land use data is available on the Nutrient Applications link above. BMPs from existing scenarios can also be added to the new scenario by: electing to add all BMPs from a single scenario; electing to select sector BMPs by specific scenarios; or, electing to add state-related BMPs based on different scenarios. Costs are those incurred by both public and private entities. It is made easy because the percent change is shown in Compare Scenarios under Results. On the BMP tabs, tool tips provide definitions for BMPs, Agency and Load Source column items in the BMP Data Submitted grid. $94.00 $ 94. Due to the size of the datasets required to present this information, the Graphs and Maps have been divided into the following categories. It has comprehensive review capabilities to review various documents like design, requirements, documentation, user stories, test plans, and source code. Our modular, system-based products, unmatched expertise and ability to create customized solutions for individual clients are industry-leading. The load sources are divided into non-federal and federal agency acres. The Graph page allows the user to create graphics for up to four scenarios at once. Cast iron casing for strength and durability. - To correct deformities by the use of serial casts. The scenario has been created. Use the Return to Login Page link to enter your new password and access the CAST application. Maryland: Disclaimer: Local governments should consult with their state Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) planning team before evaluating the effects of Land Policy BMPs in CAST. Although a patient with an arm or leg cast is much more self-reliant than a patient in a body or spice cast, it is a nursing responsibility to monitor all patients and assist as needed. Select or to set up your camera and microphone. The formula is: Clicking one of the buttons will download an Excel file with the requested Cost Profile information. Official BMPs includes only those BMPs that have been approved by the Chesapeake Bay Program. If out of watershed is selected, then the manure is removed as a source of pollutants to the Chesapeake Bay. The user's name, email address and organization can be edited and the password can also be changed from this page. A confirmation message will appear and clicking the OK button will complete the process. In addition to the Read Me tab with the field names definitions, there are details about the scenarios in the report, land, animal and manure BMPs. Up to 20 reports will be maintained on the Download Reports tab for 30 days. These upgrades reflect changes made to underlying data including BMPs. An important feature for users is the ability to work on multiple scenarios at the same time. This follows the Principals' Staff Committee decision of July 9, 2018 that changes are made only in advance of the two-year milestone period. The user can add, edit or delete BMPs in the BMP Data Submitted grid. Sample BMP File Fields table – use Tab as the field delimiter. The plan is that once the progress scenario is finalized, then the V is removed. This is the load that reaches the edge of the tidal portion of the Bay. Select the cost profile to use for the BMPs included in the scenario. HSPF land uses simulations are run for land segments, which are the breakout of counties into, National Environmental Information Exchange Network. Cast cutting shears are used to cut through fiberglass casting tape without the anxiety of a cast saw. Clicking Selected Users changes the page display and opens the User List and a Search box to filter the users to select for sharing purposes. A confirmation pop up will appear reminding users that deleting a group will remove group member access to the shared scenarios and cost profiles. CAST Highlight scans your applications and automatically detects the third-party components in use along with consolidated metadata such as vulnerabilities (CVEs), licenses, version release date, etc. Default unit cost estimates are provided for each state and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. That includes the manure transport BMP, which is a BMP that can affect multiple states. ... Use robust analysis, dashboarding and reporting tools. The reason is two-fold. You may also This information will be displayed in the tool tip pop up associated with scenario name on the Scenarios page. The decision can be found in the July 9, 2018 PSC meeting minutes. The Edit Scenario Metadata tab displays all of the options found under Add Scenario. The user can make further edits to the scenario or run it to obtain results. The user enters septic BMPs as the number or percent of systems. Click the Save button and select the file location to complete the process. Page tree. All data related to the state you selected is copied. A progress scenario includes all the BMPs functioning between July 1 and June 30 of the year in the scenario name. Total Implementation Cost does not consider Click the Ok button when finished. The unit column is the measurement only for the amount column. Documentation tools generate documents for technical users and end users. Informative answers to common questions are consolidated by topic. The BMPs are listed along with the amount implemented in the BMP unit, like acres, and in percentages. This report provides scenario-specific data on atmospheric deposition of wet and dry nitrogen and phosphorus to the land. Select the wastewater data set that includes the following data: permitted wastewater; industrial; municipal; large monitored septics; rapid infiltration basin; and combined sewer outfall (CSO) connections planned by the state. Take a look at the insight an automated code analysis tool can generate and get a free demo today! To access more selection options while generating reports, create a CAST account or log into your CAST account. Click the Delete icon next to the cost profile to be removed. Create a description to make it easy to identify selected options, other pollution reduction actions not accounted for in the scenario, or agencies/departments that collaborated in creating the scenario. The phosphorus and sediment load may be higher at EOT than at EOS where the stream itself is a source of the load. This only makes sense for the load sources measured in units of acres. Welcome to the IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0 documentation. As you update or make changes to the scenario in the future, you can maintain that information as well. BMPs may be uploaded from a file. Land Policy BMPs are eligible for either historic trends or current zoning.