meaning and purpose of life essay

Life is very simple, it really is, but because most of us live from the mind and not from the heart, we developed this false belief that life is complicated and that the purpose of our lives is something very complex and hard to find, but that’s just nonsense. Rather, they seek the key to having a meaningful life—that is, a life that is particularly valuable, worthwhile, or fulfilling. In one passage, he links it … Frankl (1978) aptly pointed out, a firm sense of meaning is essential for optimal human development. The purpose of life is to find something important enough to justify suffering “If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering.” – Viktor Frankl. Yet it holds a rich meaning, one that you unfold through living your purpose. This essay has been submitted by a student. Man's Search for Meaning: Finding the Real Purpose of Life in Frankl's Work This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. That same thing can be said about our life, which meaning we can view after death. Thus "the meaning of life" sometimes means "the purpose or point of life." 1. In most cases, we have our own agenda on what our purpose in life is. In the essay “What Gives Your Life Meaning and Direction?” the author focuses on all aspects of life that are desperately sought after by each and every StudentShare Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a matter of giving an example of the work to be done. An example of a life purpose is “To inspire everyone to greatness” or “To touch every human on Earth” or “To relieve every living being of suffering.” Having a life purpose applies to all of us, whether we are religious or atheists. Other terms for life purpose are “life direction,” “purpose statement,” and “life … Other questions about the meaning of life are not after a cosmic purpose or point of life. Purpose is a part of meaning; meaning is a much broader concept that usually also includes value, efficacy, and self-worth.) In life we find meaning through a sense of purpose which makes life worthwhile. “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” I think we have to look at that quote from a different angle. If we are lost in our life, and can’t find the meaning and purpose of it, we can take a completely different perspective-death. Suffering is an inevitable part of life, and understandably, it brings a lot of people to question purpose and meaning. Your purpose motivates you to do and be your best. However from a spiritual perspective, there are two generic reasons why we are born. Every now and again, we hear the clichéd question, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ or ‘What is the purpose of life?’ or ‘Why are we born?’. The meaning of life would then be the purpose this individual (these individuals) had in creating things as they were created. Because when you read it, … In the book, Einstein comes back to the question of the purpose of life, and what a meaningful life is, on several occasions. You could describe your life purpose as the life that you were born to live. In a 2010 paper , for example, Leslie Francis studied a group of nearly 26,000 teenagers throughout England and Wales—and found that those who read the Bible more tended to have a stronger sense of purpose. Introduction to the purpose of life. The meaning of an activity is graded by the result of the activity itself. For life to have a purpose in this sense would be for some individual(s) to have created all human life, or the universe as a whole, and to have had a purpose in doing so.