professional athletes deserve their pay

Society pays athletes their worth. The highest paid athlete in today’s world is Floyd Mayweather who got a huge payday amounting to a total of eighty five million dollars for just two fights. Eric Evelhoch, Staff Writer February 12, 2021 . While professional athletes dedicate most of their life to their respected sport, the amount they are paid to simply play games is absurd. Problem of the Week According to Sports Illustrated, the highest paid American athletes in 2009 were Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, and LeBron James. It is the desire to be the best at their individual sport. A-Rod's 2008 stats include a .312 BA (tied for 8th in the AL) with 19 homers (tied for fifth) and 53 RBI (tied for 19th). It’s a question that produces emotion, heated debate and a glaringly large glimpse into Pandora’s Box. However, the debate whether they deserve the high salaries is one that is not likely to end any time soon. Student-athletes deserve pay for their image used in video games. First, many people just assume that athletes don't deserve their salaries, because of the astronomical amounts. College athletes are not seeing any of this money they are earning PHOENIX -- State lawmakers are just a step away from allowing athletes at Arizona colleges and universities to profit from their skills, at least indirectly. Print. Share on Facebook. Share on Facebook. Sports video game fans rejoiced on February 2 when they found out a long-lost favorite will be returning soon. Forbes released its annual look at the world’s highest-paid athletes this month, and the top 100 exemplified the stark contrast in pay between professional male and female athletes. The Channels Opinion Pages | STAFF COLUMN. Share on Twitter. Essay on Escalating Professional Athlete Salaries 1080 Words | 5 Pages. Yes, They Deserve Every Dollar. I don't think less-than-talented pop singers deserve their ridiculous incomes, either. On the other side, there are the ones that say that the money is fairly deserved because of their hard work to get to where they are. Do the top athletes deserve their pay? When you look at the highest paid athletes in each sport, they have something that other's just don't have. People don't understand how the lifestyle of a professional athlete really is or who would get the money we spend if the athlete's didn't get it. If vital, life-saving professions are not rewarded for the stress of their jobs, there may come a day when those jobs are much harder to fill. I like how it mentioned were the salary comes from and if you don't pay the Player enough then he will Quit and then it says how very hard to replace a professional athlete. A good parallel is to ask why diamonds are so much more expensive than water. The irony is, she would have turned it down. Lebron James will earn over $19 million this year. An image drawn by Emily Kopinetz. Do professional athletes deserve multi-million dollar salaries? Professional Athletes do Not Deserve What the Earn Wouldn't it be great to make 31.3 million dollars a year and an additional 47 million dollars in endorsements simply to play a game? You hear time and time again that they are always getting better. Lower pay could minimize this issue and make players more loyal to their teams. Keep in mind that that is average, without external endorsements. Cardinal Chronicle. Do athletes and deserve their pay? Share via Email. Most professional athletes have their salaries paid over the whole 12 months of the year, when that is possible, instead of being paid only during the season. Emily Kopinetz, Staffer January 28, 2020. College athletes are taken advantage of in college athletics and deserve to be paid for their time, hard work, and dedication in a sport. Why should athletes get paid They just see those astronomical numbers and think that it is unfair that us working class people don't make that amount of money. Professional athletes are paid to keep their bodies in top condition at all times to perform at the highest levels. That’s a lot of money – to put that in perspective, he probably will make my wife’s annual salary with every basket he makes this season. Professional athletes are highly overpaid. They have little chance of a stable career, so they need to earn enough money to support them for a long time. I am leaning towards the side were athletes deserve their salary only because they need to make a living and they train hard all year and they have the right to use their salary how ever they want to. Jana Kasperkevic Jan 1, 2018. Professional athletes put in years of hard work—and deserve every penny they earn. Courtesy image of EA Sports via Twitter. English, 02.03.2021 22:20 hollandhogenson. Should professional female athletes be paid the same as their male counterparts? But "deserving" doesn't enter into it. Therefore, some athletes make much more than that. Professional athletes at the highest levels in their respective sports can make millions, which means that their tax rates can near 50 percent. For example, the average salary for a professional football player in the NFL is $1.9 million per year. On the other hand, most of us aren’t going to earn $10 million in a lifetime of work. Athletes may be too old in their early 30s. The highest revenue by a college right now is $196,030,398 by the University of Oregon. Compensation should be based on job importance, not entertainment. I believe they do deserve the pay. No: Athletes deserve the money they receive because of their hard work, dedication. Do any of them deserve their gigantic paychecks? There are many reasons I have which support my belief. It is said that pro athletes are paid way too much money for playing a sport. Many of them gamble early in their lives on making it big in the sports or entertainment world, and deny themselves a good education. Often times, people compare athletes to doctors. As it is often said, they are not afraid to be on camera as they spend their money on life luxuries (Baumbach 2015). Companies in many different industries, from clothing to banking to oil, pay these superstars huge amounts. The millions of dollars paid to athletes comes from society contributing billions annually to the sports entertainment industry. Besides, not all athletes make millions of dollars. Read More. American football is the most popular spectator sport to watch in the United States, followed by baseball, basketball, ice hockey and soccer, which make up the "5 major sports". Professional Athletes Are Worthy of Their Pay. These athletes made most of their money promoting products. Share via Email. But not every athlete makes the big bucks. The reason Alex Rodriguez can make $30 million while the average school teach brings in less than $40k is because that teacher can easily be replaced by another qualified professional. College athletics are growing very fast and they are beginning to bring in more money. THE GUARANTEE Do Professional Athletes Deserve Their Salaries Essay OF PRODUCTS’ UNIQUENESS. Anyone really could (with proper motivation) could become a doctor or lawyer. Professional athletes are extremely overpaid for the “jobs” that they do. See, professional athletes are a part of a private business, and they make huge sums of money because they bring huge sums of money into their industry. Michael Jordan, along with many other professional athletes thinks so. Diamonds are a luxury that people wear as an accessory. Sport Athletes’ Salaries Are professional athletes overpaid? I believe that professional athletes deserve the salaries they receive. -Kelsey O’Connor, Staff Writer . In the 1996 season, playing 3,106 minutes Michael Jordan made 170,000 dollars a day, equaling out to be 160.97 dollars a second. This topic has been argued for some time now. Pay the individuals who make a difference in the world. Do Athletes Deserve Better Pay than the Average Person? How exactly does the above-average swimmer or runner pay their bills? It was reported that 106.5 million viewers tuned in to watch Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints battle Peyton Manning's Indianapolis Colts. Are athletes getting paid too much? 2 Introduction Athletes generally enjoy the luxury of good life thanks to the enormous salaries they given by their respective teams and management. Print. 04/19/2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011 This year's Super Bowl was the most watched event in television history. If some weren't gifted *Derrick Rose and OJ Mayo in particular* they would be homeless or in gangs. Share on Twitter. Things that are very rare tend to cost more than common things. Female professional athletes should be paid equal to their male counterparts. When it comes to professional athletes' salaries, you need to think about it from an economics standpoint. With only one dissenting vote, the House Education Committee approved a measure requiring all schools to allow student athletes to earn compensation from the use of their own name, likeness or image. Most professional athletes have spent a good portion of their lives revolving around athletics. How would it feel to work just as hard as your neighbor and maybe even harder and never get the same reward? According to Anastasia, people may argue that professional sports are a billion dollar industry and that when teams are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars, the players, who are the faces of these teams, deserve a significant portion of this. What if you were the world’s fastest, strongest or most skilled and nobody was there to cheer you on as you break world records? Some professional athletes’ salaries are less than you might think. Sports in the United States is an important part of culture in the United States. They only entertain for a living and get paid millions of dollars, in some cases, to do so. Do Top Athlete's Deserve Millions? Countless professional athletes have wasted the gifts they have been given. Professional athletes provide professional team owners with the highest quality talent and skills available in the world for the positions they fill. Mother Teresa, on the other hand, she would have deserved all of their salaries combined. Although many people think professional athletes make too much money, they deserve the money they earn. What do CEOs do all day long to deserve their pay? The lowest-paid N.F.L., … I hope that everyone will feel different towards this topic when I"m through arguing my position.