quantum leap in human evolution

Our beliefs and feelings are a result of past indoctrinations. Today those being called have even more living spiritual forces than Andon and Fonta had, working within and guiding them to help make the moves they need to in order to be part of the quantum leap that is happening. These twins were superior in all ways to their parents, siblings, and tribe. At ten years of age the twins had grown enough in their minds that the spirit of worship could make contact and a year later they made another momentous decision, which enabled the spirit of wisdom to begin to function in their minds. This quantum leap in the evolution of this planet is a leap in the ascension of each individual who hears the call and flees the Luciferic third dimension to join the new tribe of change agents at the fourth-dimensional Planetary Sacred Home. Or from a multicellular organism to a cerebral animal. As a two awareness being, our completeness is fulfilled when we are aware of the outer environment and self simultaneously. It is those negative expressions that are preventing Living Relationship. Her spiritual-based philosophies and peace-motivated efforts have positively impacted countless individuals worldwide. Quantum evolution is the hypothesis that quantum effects can bias the process of mutation towards adaptive genetic variation. They walked upright most of the time rather than moving around on all four limbs. We're seeing cultural shifts and great changes on all levels. UK fintechs fail to deliver: Accenture . And like Andon and Fonta, in order to move into true wisdom, they have to make a series of intelligent decisions that will culminate in them moving on from their old order of third-dimensional values of spiritual poverty and materialism. They don’t have the ability to experience themselves as self-aware entities. There is no evidence of any “quantum leap” anywhere near that stage but there are a few inconsistencies along the way since that well merit further study as well as isolated cases awaiting further explanation of some kind. Secrets That Remove The Veils That Are Hiding Your Magnificence & That Will Turbo Charge Your Expansion and Evolution. a leap in the ascension of each individual who hears the call and flees the Luciferic third dimension to join the new tribe of change agents at the fourth-dimensional Planetary Sacred Home The Universe responds with greater speed and ease when we are ready to leap into the next opportunity. For the first time, Life (the Mysterious Expression of all that is) brought forth a being that is capable of experiencing (and expressing) fully conscious perceptions. Presently our souls (pristine awareness) are in captivity by the maleficent, malevolent mind. The problem with these theories is that they depend on evolution being a sort of one-step game, where one change produces a great leap forward, … They were highly curious and felt elation when successful at any undertaking and experienced shame and remorse when unsuccessful. THE THIRD THEOREM explains why the surrounding a new icon is born in thirds: 3 trilogies of 3 texts each. This interference is the cause of our present state of divisiveness. The sixth circuit is the “Neuro-genetic circuit,” however Robert Anton Wilson called this the “Neuro-electric orMeta-reprogramming circuit,” and uses Leary’s sixth as his seventh. Making the Quantum Leap into a Fourth-Dimensional New Order. Open banking: a new pace of change . In order for those Urantians (people of Earth) to participate in the furtherance of the evolution of this planet 500,000 years ago, when the Planetary Prince and his staff of 100 supermortals came, they had to come to Planetary Headquarters, Dalamatia, in order to ascend personally and be trained in an advanced reality before they could share that with their fellow Urantians. In 1999, biologist Johnjoe McFadden and the physicist Jim Al-Khalili published an unrelated model of adaptive selection for lactose metabolism in non-metabolizing E. coli. In our present semi-hypnotic (one awareness) “sleep” state the Language of Forever (Life) is always Spoken but never heard by aberrant mind. So, how did it come about that Life’s chosen people are not fulfilling their Ordained Heritage? Human evolution is undergoing a shift so profound; the proof can be seen with the naked eye. Even though their parents, brothers and sisters loved them and looked up to them, Sonta-an and Sonta-en realized that they were of another destiny than the rest of their tribe.