reproductive system diseases and treatments

Some aren’t educated enough about the chances and possibility of acquiring this disease, but according to studies, about 7% of men are affected by male infertility. This happens frequently and generally disappears over time without the need for any treatment. The reproductive system in women consists of many parts such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, cervix, external genitals and uterus, but these different parts are also susceptible to many diseases that can harm fertility or lead to further serious illness. TREATMENT Antibiotics are very effective for treating Chlamydia. Memory usage: 2202.89KB. Some symptoms are constipation, regular urination urges, pain in the pelvic region, loss of weight and abdominal bloating. or perhaps another type of test? Infertility. During sports activities: soccer, cycling; 2. Surgery and pain relief methods are used to treat this condition. The uterus is held above the vagina by ligaments with the cervix (on the uterus) extending to the upper vagina. Relief From Daily Headaches: What Are Your Options? Repeated instances of inflammation can block the uterine tubes and cause infertility. Cases of cervical cancer have been related to genital warts in women. It is important to schedule regular check-ups of the pelvis to help identify harmful cysts at an early stage. Some of these changes can influence or develop disorders, conditions and diseases affecting the functionality of the reproductive system. They have a wide range of causes, from genetic abnormalities to infections, and affect individuals of all ages. Ovulation disorders such as irregularities in the production of hormones or problems in the ovary account for 25% of infertility cases. If you have problems viewing PDF files, download the latest version of Adobe Reader. It can also cause infertility by affecting the release of the ovarian egg in the menstrual cycle. Often the condition is called condyloma acuminatum. If the growth occurs into the muscles surrounding the uterus, it is called adenomyosis. The endometrium is the tissue that lines the womb or uterus. This could be one of the most frustrating diseases in the male reproductive system, but several treatments are available for male infertility. This process utilizes sound waves of both high and low frequency for a better blood flow to the penis since poor blood flow causes about 80% of ED. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DISEASES 2. The chances of occurring are higher in people who have a family history of Lynch syndrome, breast or ovarian cancer. Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) - PO Box 8126, Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8126 - Toll-free: 1-888-205-2311 Treatment usually consists of surgery (including local excision) in early stages, and chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy in more advanced stages of the disease. This is often the result when a man is unable to impregnate a healthy, fertile woman. Diseases and Disorders of the Reproductive System. There are different methods to induce pregnancy such as with fertility drugs, surgery or a way to assist the fertilization of the egg. Some men aren’t aware of this disease. However, the heritability of most reproductive traits is rather low, so selection programs aimed at improving fertility require a longterm commitment to be successful. Genital warts. The abdominal cavity in women, unlike in men, is susceptible to infections and inflammation because it is open to the external environment through the reproductive tract. One of the treatments that most men undergo to relieve erectile dysfunction is GAINSWave treatment. Here are the most common reproductive diseases for males that are most likely to be unnoticed. or just trying to … In people whose disease develops quickly, lasts a short time, and goes away without treatment, the likely cause is trauma (hitting or bending) that causes bleeding inside the penis. Infections such as chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea and genital herpes, if left untreated, will lead to inflammation of the pelvis. Many infertile couples have more than one cause of infertility, so it's likely you will both need to see a doctor. Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a plaque, or hard lump, forms in the penis and causes it to bend or curve. An instrument inserted through the penile urethra is used to partially cut away the prostate to relieve obstruction of the urinary tract. Vulvovaginitis is a term given to the infection and subsequent inflammation of the tissues of the vulva or the vagina. Techniques to enhance genital stimulation, reduce pain during intercourse, promote physical familiarity and distract the partner can be used to remedy the situation. The occurrence of a malodorous vagina, unexpected vaginal discharges, irritation and inflammation around the vagina, and difficulties during urination can indicate the presence of vulvovaginitis. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) – PSA is a marker protein for prostate cell secretions which can be detected with a lab test. on Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – although males have a closed abdominal cavity, the female abdominal cavity has a direct anatomical path from the outside world via the female reproductive tract. Any infection that follows this path can cause PID. Copyright © Shine Fellows 2019 | All rights reserved​, Being More Patient With Your Aging Parents, 6 Ways to Continue Helping Others After You Retire. Current time: 03/11/2021 04:00:25 pm (America/New_York) Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment (The Reproductive System) (Volume 4) [Solomon Barroa R.N.] General intake of antibiotics, such as alpha-blockers or anti-inflammatory medicines, is one of the most common treatments, which can relieve the painful urination caused by the swelling. About the Journal Index Copernicus Value = 62.89. The disease is believed to relate to vascular diseases and psychological episodes related to trauma and other neurological disorders. Some Male Reproductive Disorders. According to Mayo Clinic, a good number of men experience this common disease at one point in their lives. Although frequent check-ups and medical intervention can drastically reduce the prospects of damage caused by these diseases, there are still millions of women in America suffer from them every year. Sexually transmitted diseases in women can cause further complications and other female reproductive system diseases like PID. The endocrine system produces hormones, which are chemical signals sent out, or secreted, through the bloodstream. Hormones help the body regulate processes, such as appetite, breathing, growth, fluid balance, feminization and virilization, and weight control. A healthy reproductive system is vital for optimal fertility and overall health. Treatment for prostate cancer depends on the age, severity of the disease and other health conditions of the patient. Genital spasm lesions usually lead to serious pain, which most of the times disappear without leaving sequelae. Bacteria can make their way up the vagina, through the uterus, and traverse the uterine tubes which open into the abdominal cavity. Any such prolapse can only be rectified after surgery. Sometimes it is possible that tumors grow in the muscular wall of the uterus; however, these tumors are not cancerous. Knowing the Modern Advancements in Geriatric Healthcare, How World War I Paved the Way for Better Oral Surgery, Self-care as an Extrovert: Recharging Your Battery in the Pandemic. Male Reproductive Procedures & Treatments In the event that the testicular exam and subsequent testing show that a male has testicular cancer, one possible treatment procedure is orchidectomy. It can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman's reproductive system, making it difficult or impossible for her to get pregnant later on. Disease prevention through annual vaccination is the key to stopping the spread of disease in your herd and reducing the potentially devastating impact of disease. Chlamydia symptoms in women Abnormal vaginal discharge that may have an … Having good health should always the top priority, but with work, duties, and responsibilities, people tend to neglect and risk their health and put work above it. When this tissue is formed in other parts of the reproductive system like the outside of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes, the condition is termed as endometriosis. When diagnosed, some of these diseases tend to worsen already because it was checked up too late, and one of the most neglected types of diseases is the ones concerning the reproductive system. They are called uterine fibroids and can cause increased urination, pain in the lower back, heavy bleeding and pain during the menstrual period, pain during intercourse, miscarriages and infertility. This is a disease in the male reproductive system that typically results in the swelling of the prostate gland, which includes pain in the groin area and the struggle to urinate due to pain. During work activities: exposure to irritant chemical substances; 3. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is one of the most known diseases in the male reproductive system and is sometimes even the butt of the joke in most Hollywood films. Inflammatory Disorders of the Male Reproductive System. For language access assistance, contact the NCATS Public Information Officer. Many diseases go unnoticed because people tend to shrug off minuscule details that they don’t see as a huge enough problem to be consulted with a professional doctor. The treatment depends on the factor causing it. Female Infertility. Treatments often consist of excision of the wart. Both men and women need to be aware of the possible diseases of the reproductive system and the effects these diseases could have on not only their health, but their partner’s health as well. Throughout reproductive life, these kinds of disorders are often characterized by altered menstruation, pelvic pain, and even infertility. Difficulty in conceiving a child after trying for a considerable period of time can indicate infertility. Below, we will talk about some diseases that occur in the female reproductive system and how they affect women. Are you preparing for the USMLE or the NCLEX-RN? The treatment options available for dysmenorrhea are individualized according to the specific cause and the individual needs of the patient. They are referred as reproductive system diseases. It might take a number of tests to determine the cause of infertility. The usual treatments for prostate cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, watchful waiting, and hormonal treatment, according to the Cleveland Clinic. With these in mind, a man can be more aware of what can happen to his body. preventing reproductive diseases Your herd, your financial investment and your livelihood could suffer significantly if diseases or parasites impact your herd. MedPharm Guidebook Unit 8 Drugs Used In Disorders of Reproductive System Case-based Learning Case Files Pharmacology Cases 40, 45, 51, 54 eLearning (cloud folders) M and FM Reproductive System & FM Breast Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium 171. The two ovaries in a woman are used to develop and mature the ova during the menstrual period. In some cases, a cause is never identified.Infertility tests can be expensive and might not be covered by insurance — find out what your medical plan covers ahead of time.Diagnosing male infertility problems usually involves: 1. There is no cure for this female reproductive system disease yet, but the hormone production can be controlled and skin cleared up with hormone therapy. This is often caused by a low sperm count, the abnormality of a sperm’s function, or an obstruction of the passage of the semen that prevents it from passing through. This disease is often caused by bacteria and could start the infection when unwanted bacteria from urine leaks and finds its way towards your prostate. The reasons for infertility are varied and can be caused by other female reproductive system diseases. There is the possibility of bacteria entering via the vagina and travelling up the uterine tubes, thereby causing inflammation. This is a disease in which there is low production of the main hormone in the male’s body, testosterone. Infertility leads to the condition where due to the defects or inability of reproductive parts, … Reproductive system disease, any of the diseases and disorders that affect the human reproductive system. More effective therapy for reproductive diseases comes with the risk of propagating a hereditary predisposition for lowered fertility.