why am i so energetic

Hamlet marks a sufficient break in Shakespeare’s career as to suggest some more personal cause for his daring transformation both of his sources and of his whole way of writing. – intelligent, but no college degree Thank you for your insight. What happened to the old belief that things will go the right way naturally? I’m sure many people feel like me. Why am I so sleepy during the day but energetic at night? Every time I hear a man talk about his wife/gf, I think to myself, thank god I am single!!!! As such, I do not express my interest in or approach women, and will not until I get a clear signal from her that she is interested in me. Many people even have trouble leaving the house when they’re really down on themselves, let alone pursuing situations where they are likely to meet potential partners. I really really despise the “i was so drunk excuse.” but yea im very young still only 23 but im scared to ever open up again. It's not always easy to pinpoint the cause of your lack of energy, but it's worth the effort to try. Being around a group of people who are open to interacting, such as a class or singles group, and being attractive, laughing, having fun talking and all that – it invites people to come to you and see what you’re about. Also my father 58 is engaged after 12 years alone.. Point is its never to late to find someone who makes you happy. They wonder how to open up again.. You are confused here. Also, I am less motivated to find someone as I get older because just as I am getting more unattractive with age, so are all the middle aged women. I think that some of the points can be true for some people. No real original thought here and it seems more like propaganda for mon-hog-ami! First article that has hit home so hard. Well, that looks so good on paper, and in the psychology textbooks. I may have times that I date…and when I do I may or may not have sex. :)). Men and women from late-life divorces, like me, mostly don’t want to get married or live together. This situation can be just as bad for both men and women. Sadly we still dont have a name for said kitty, but she’s adorable and the most energetic cat I’ve had lol her personality too, everyone swears she’s my sister in a cats body. These men have no manners. in my case, my studies. Can you share the steps you took with me ? 83–86. My husband shares all that with me, and makes life (and all of the above) infinitely easier. Sure, it's not a big jump from 'energish' to 'energetic', or even 'allerugi' to 'allergy', but ask a group of foreign tourists from the US to make a 'guts pose' on the 'gerandu' (ski slope) and they'll have no clue what you are talking about. hey man I’m in the same boat, always pick people who aren’t good for me, and they’re subconscious choices. Well there are many of us good single men out there that really hate being single and alone all the time, and i know quite a few friends going through the very same thing right now as well. I am destined to be alone, period. Lv 7. I created an animal preserve, got my Ph.D. and began a life of my own. Especially for many of us Good men still looking today. But the classic saying still stands. They need somebody, but nobody needs you specifically. So in summary, the reason why some people are single is not because WE are like that, it’s the men or women in our lives that are those things. Single parents often find themselves very isolated….hurt, exhausted, without family support….they would like a new relationship but have a lot to deal with and not so much to offer. Rather than focusing too much on people who do not return your love, focus on those people who love you, ones you are not too crazy about and ones you would not normally consider. Maybe society needs to introduce robot women… then men could ask anything they wanted from them… the heart of a woman doesn’t seem to matter anyway. The same reasons why I am so bad at Japanese. You know no matter what anyone thinks about me, I’ve had more women than all them put together and that’s a fact (probably depending who “them” are and I will again when I get chance, to be honest I don’t see myself settling down until 40 now, and I make no apologies. He bided his time, slipped out of traps, and made secret plans. I too took the break up so hard that for the next three years after the break up, I gained like 50 pounds over the break! … !! Far from offering a cover, the antic disposition leads the murderer to set close watch upon Hamlet, to turn to his counselor Polonius for advice, to discuss the problem with Gertrude, to observe Ophelia carefully, to send for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy upon their friend. Hang in there you will get it, just talk to your doctor and be honest towards yourself. Playwrights can pretend, of course, that the audience is overhearing a kind of internal monologue, but it is difficult to keep such monologues from sounding “stagey.” Richard III, written in 1591 or 1592, is hugely energetic and powerful, with a marvelous, unforgettable main character, but when that character, alone at night, reveals what is going on inside him, he sounds oddly wooden and artificial: Cold fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh. This evidence, which points to Catholic connections and half-concealed Catholic beliefs, suggests that John Shakespeare would have wanted something done for Hamnet’s soul, something that he perhaps appealed urgently to his son to do or that he undertook to do on his own. in practical ways…. If I could find a woman who can stand on her own two feet and wants to be in a relationship not because she needs one, I think it’s work out. Its again an article written with mindset/intention biased towards having a partner than being single. Some people stay single because they want to. A few moments later Brutus, intensely self-aware, describes for himself the molten state of consciousness in which he finds himself: Are then in counsel, and the state of man. They were looking at my income, homes, family life, profession and how they could move right in and have me help support them. I didn’t always enjoy watching rom-coms and musicals with my ex, but it made her happy and I got to spend the time with her. Get immediate access to the current issue and over 20,000 articles from the archives, plus the NYR App. Many of us are about all those other things a good man can provide such as support, companionship, physical intimacy, love, loyalty, family. I personally do not care how much a guy makes. Thank you so much for this Jo! Make me feel so high michigesseo nal meomchul sun eopseo You make me feel so high I’m so crazy neoga nareul … Not even a glance. but once I left and the sun was gone I felt so good and energized. And he loves and believes in you, sweetie. How that might change his nature, there’s the question. I didn’t talk to anyone how would I know. . Any relationship will go stale in a few months/years. Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form. The opacity was shaped by his experience of the world and of his own inner life: his skepticism, his pain, his sense of broken rituals, his refusal of easy consolations. I was thinking like a little girl for a very long time. Just wake up! Excess energy, energized, nervous energy anxiety symptoms description: The problem is most people are selfish and self-entitled. Anyways, you explained exactly how I feel. If they are not interested in your profile, they should at least type a one-liner and let you know. Good luck with your life good health and happiness. It is important to forgive, but to never forget. Without those, life will never be as fulfilling or as meaningful. I’m not desperate and in fact, I’m picky about who I want to be with. I don’t like making silly choices.I don’t like stress. True Said!! Im now making an effort to live a healthy lifestyle mentally, and physically. Be with them through ups and downs in and outs. My vice was binge eating. He was hardly indifferent to the success he could achieve, but it was not a matter of profit alone. Maybe we’re being lied too about that; friendships cannot replace family or romantic relationships. Personally I got used to being alone. but now that its not ok to have a guy friend i am just to scared or indifferent for a relationship. I’m sick of dating. Alone, pacing in his orchard in the middle of night, Brutus begins to speak: I know no personal cause to spurn at him. These people should really stay at home. With many of us seeing less and less options come our way, we’re starting to see that we have to settle or end up alone. This conceptual breakthrough in Hamlet was technical—that is, it affected the practical choices Shakespeare made when he put plays together, starting with the enigma of the prince’s suicidal melancholy and assumed madness. Look how hard relatively normal people struggle to work on and maintain their relationships. I found your answer to be one of the most sincere, but self deprecating. People dont like that. David. Anyways, thanks for the reply. I fall into the category of dating adventagous men. I feel that I’m being wronged. But I believe God exists if not who could make such a brilliant body system of human through a pile of mud, blood and meat! Hence the decisive changes in the plot—from a public killing known to everyone to a secret murder revealed to Hamlet alone by the ghost of the murdered man—enabled the playwright to focus almost the entire tragedy on the consciousness of the hero suspended between his “first motion” and “the acting of a dreadful thing.” But something in the plot has to account for this suspension. I could have saved myself some pain had I done what you are doing. I know a ton of people in relationships who aren’t even happy let alone fulfilled. Yes, there are men that look attractive on the outside, but they are rude and obnoxious inside. How very likely it is…most here that complain…have totally dumped someone that was very nice, trustworthy, and loyal. I have sent many messages to at least 50 women and I got two emails back. think about it, if you are too worried about paying the bills it’s hard to think about higher things such as self actual using things. I resent all the men I dated throughout my son’s childhood who wasted my precious time with my child, only to not be very serious about me in the end and yea I may be punishing a few good guys out there for that, but I just got tired of the continuous insincerity and bs. I did need that relationship to be healthy enough for me to honestly have expressed my negative opinions of those things rather than lie through my teeth, but what was needed was the effort. I agree with all of your above reasons. I keep trying and failing. Risk again? Then she starts getting offensive and telling me that i am playing games making it seem like I’m the one in the wrong I’ve been single for over 16 years and I can never find the right person for me even though I’ve been soul searching for my whole life and I always get used or cheated on. “ugly” people live lives where they tell themselves they are happy with their partner as well. Amongst my female peers, they began losing men’s interest in their 30s. Putting up walls and never letting them get to know the innermost “you” .Over the last 3 years, I’ve really hated being single and I want to marry. That character, the prince of the inward insurrection, was Hamlet. I mean, kill me a little. If those preconceived factors were not prevalent, than there is little chance of a love connection. For a while I've been bored and depressed but late at night (technically early in the morning) out of the blue,I started feeling extremely happy and energetic and have ever since.I also feel like I can do anything.Anybody no why? Many of my friends found wonderful spouses.. they are so happy. Following these “simple steps” isn’t going to do it. However, I do think there’s someone for everyone and finding the right one is probably better than living on my own but living on my own is infinitely better than living with the wrong one! If you are too enthusiastic and imaginative, be careful as your mind is fertile. Currently unemployed, I can’t even imagine being in a relationship. I find mostly though…women fall into that category…whereas men can be quite the opposite and just “love ’em and leave ’em”…pigs that we are…lol. I guess beauty is skin deep. I had all those excuses (and more) when I was single, and stubborn, and picky and (I thought) happily single. – But why do they WANT to? Because no men are interested in women my age (50s). “My answer is that I make an effort every day to advance my social skills. Because younger women, by virtue of coming from young generation, raised by women my age, living in this modern, shallow culture we all live in, are often not going to either be raised in a way to embrace old fashioned attitudes, or they will reject those traits in order to accommodate & adapt modern society living. You have a responsibility to carefully consider the words you put out into the world, and the impact of them. I like the idea of being in love and having a relationship, but the theory is different from reality. On the other hand, staying open and honest will lead us to find a much more authentic and substantial relationship. Our fears of parting with the image we developed of ourselves early on and starting to see ourselves in a more positive light paradoxically make us feel uneasy and may trigger self-attacking thoughts like, “Who do you think you are? It’s important not to make fixed rules or to buy into other people’s rules when it comes to dating. Well i was certainly raised by very good parents, and so many women today were raised by very bad parents. Not like I wrote down I’m some kind of fraud, but maybe it was when they asked why my last relationship ended and then I said I never had been in one. This development may have been entirely deliberate, the consequence of a clear, ongoing professional design, or it may have been more haphazard and opportunistic. Guilt-Free Snacks That Will Keep You Energetic And Help You Lose Weight ... 2021 9:55 AM IST . I am shallow and admit it. It usually ends when I get tired of the sex, or just suddenly feel trapped. Shakespeare had developed the means to represent the psychological experience of such a condition—something that neither Saxo nor his followers even dreamed of being able to do. They feel tired, stressed & fatigue. Don’t worry your mom will choose a nice daughter-in-law (bahu) for herself. To God, you aren’t one speck in a sea of billions. If it makes you feel any better, some of us pretty, ambitious, 24yo prefer nice gentlemen who are in their 40s so long as we have things in common, like passion. 53 (2002), pp. I have grown children and am working on my goals. For Sarawat, the story began the year Are you asking the question, why am I so tired all the time? Damn I am 28 years old and still single. His thoughts may have been intensified by news that his elderly father was seriously ill back in Stratford, for the thought of his father’s death is deeply woven into the play. What I have found…is this. Have a decent job (19 year firefighter with a major southern city), and yes…I am single. I am going to enjoy this summer, free from what felt like a whole lot of work and frustration only to have an unappreciative audience at the other end of it. I don’t play with class mates when I was young. Funny how all of the reasons are negative. This fact is, for some, decisive evidence that the father’s grief must at most have been brief. Life has SO SO SO much less stress when you don’t have to try and balance living with mental health issues (read: trying to stay sane) and all of the demands of a relationship. His wife, Anne, must have stood at Hamnet’s grave, and so too Shakespeare’s parents, John and Mary. It’s also easier not to slide back into relationships as you get older because hormones aren’t driving us so much. It’s not about changing yourself or changing your partner but learning what to share, what not to share, and what things can be shared that might benefit one or the other of you more while appreciating each others character. And worst of all I seem to be passing these to my child as well. There are days I hate being single and days I love it. Well unfortunately many of us aren’t single by choice to begin with since many of us were just never meant to find real true love at all. So you're not a "10" in every which way. Tragically, I learnt that she had been sexually assaulted over the course of that year. I guess!! If you have no family, only a handful of friends, and a pair of cats, what is the point of living once your cats are gone? And i am sure a lot of the other men and women out there would certainly agree with me too. I don’t drink much anymore (53 years old) today I walked around the mall. In our adult relationships, we may resist being too vulnerable or write people off too easily. Too scary even to admit) … but he might be dating someone , we also have electrifying chemistry !!! Shakespeare had certainly seen the earlier Hamlet play, probably on multiple occasions. You do realize that in this article, early on you say people should not worry about “settling” and should date someone nice but for whom they feel no attraction, and then you later say that people should keep their standards up and look for a relationship they can be passionate about, and be careful not to settle. Have some ba**s and stick your chest out. I didn’t know what the reason was. So none of those are valid reasons.If your life becomes more miserable with someone in your life then leave them…but don’t waste time saying you don’t have time for a relationship because you are studying! I am a kind, loving and energetic woman. Much of the difference between the two passages has to do with the very different characters: the one a murderous tyrant full of manic energy, the other a spoiled, narcissistic, self-destructive poet. I watch porn once in awhile but i still want to spoil somone with love and affection. Partnering up is about attraction,… fortunate and true, nothing unfortunate about that. Right. also i don’t go out muh and if you don’t go out again your chances of meeting someone is far more restricted than anyone who goes out during events or with friends. Also jesus loves you. But my life sucks anyway and I am completely hope/ help less. Very difficult to eat out in a restaurant by yourself since other people will usually stare at you making it very uncomfortable too. Even women who had not had children, so having children wasn’t a reason for men’s disinterest. 4 months ago. @ Albert….accept yourself the way u are,make yourself happy, hangouts with friends don’t Denny urself happiness,the right girl will find you… maybe it’s not yet time…. yeah of course. Then, I kind of projected all that feeling for her I suppose on to this other chick I used to know, I had previously known her from school, (I wasn’t cool at school and felt I’d changed, but when you do that and try and go back and show everyone how awesome you’ve become, and they don’t wanna see it, you attach meaning to it, and it can destroy the new you as well). No Richard, it takes work on both sides. If you lack a social group that can fix you up – as most singles do – then you have to consider other options. After a relationship ends, build a bridge, get over it, and burn that bridge so you won’t be tempted to cross it … Because the reality is I’d you find yourself in a serious marriage commitment, including marriage and kids and the whole nine yards… you better damn well bet your last dollar that your life is going to change. How many of those women have had nice guys falling all over them…only to dump him, because “I just see him as a brother.” Lol. I take great offense to any suggestion that women and their children should be put in that situation again just so some men can have their egos rubbed. One more thing, children needs a stay home parent to teach and raise their kids and not strangers, that is why some females are looking for a financially stable men! This leaves them exhausted and lacking time to nurture a relationship as well. – oh and lets not forget about domestic abuse/divorces, in relevance to the original topic, I could go on, but your better off taking an episode plot out of NBC’s Miami Vice for anything else I might have missed…. But there’s the whole menopause and knees, back, getting older issues. I recently got a boxer (dog) and she is a great companion. This article disgusts me. The ghost appears in order to tell the terrible truth: “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life/Now wears his crown” (I.5.39–40). It doesn’t do you any good sitting here complaining when you’re just like anyone else really. I’m wealthy in phenomenal shape because all I do is work and workout, I spend time enjoying my life doing what I like. So scared that I will end up alone. To me, a single woman who has children represents extra baggage in a relationship. I don’t know the law on that, how enforceable they are, but it’s just too bad that provisions can’t be made so that bad seeds aren’t sown which have a horrible effect on how the rest of people live their life. I am also planning to join karate and do some boxing and so meet more people in the community that I would not normally meet. Never could go past 6 months to a year of dating… just crazy what the men asked for.. insane. I mean, I try to care and do caring and thoughtful things and “BE” a good person to others. And at least take comfort in knowing you’re not alone! Most of my friends come from college. Wanna One - Energetic (Letra e música para ouvir) - neowa naye ipsuri jeomjeom / neukkyeojineun i sungan soge tteugeoun gonggi / onmome jeonyuri wa / ije neowa naega sseo naeril story / I don’t know why You can say that I’ve grown numb to my own inner pain of the realization that I don’t possess the tools to achieve the affection of another soul. If I can show a woman that its HER I’m interested in and not just sex (by waiting until marriage) then I think we are more likely to be open and genuine in a relationship and it’s more likely to succeed. It would be nice to have a women to share it all with, but I move forward happy…regardless. Because I have a huge heart, some men tend to take advantage of that. Stop being so judgemental! There seems to be a particular pattern-I meet a girl, she likes me, she turns out to be selfish and verbally abusive. I can identify with certain of the points of the article: low self-esteem and a mixed sentiment of a fear of intimacy. Its exactly opposite to convincing yourself to be single. Honigmann, “The Shakespeare/Shakeshafte Question, Continued,” Shakespeare Quarterly, Vol. I don’t want just a friendship with them. Also, if you move to a new city for work, it’s pretty difficult to make close “friends” of any sort when everyone else is already busy with their own lives. I was engaged to be married in my 30s and it wasn’t the best match. I scraped together some money and bought a rain forest in Costa Rica that was under attack by loggers. I am pro-equality in all sectors, and this is one that will most probably never change. Hit the nail on the head! Today I felt so impossibly tired when I was walking in the sun and when I entered the classroom I had to rest. Yes i go out because i have to go out to work, i meet different people in that area because i work as a tax collector and a cashier. And I’m 50. “What ceremony else?” cries Laertes, by the grave of his sis-ter Ophelia; “What ceremony else?” Ophelia’s funeral rites have been curtailed because she is suspected of the sin of suicide, and Laertes is both shallow and rash. I don’t think there are woman who don’t think like this! Shakespeare undoubtedly returned to Stratford in 1596 for his son’s funeral. You cannot believe the unkind things I have heard from grown men. Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me. I’d rather sit down and wait for someone to come and pull me out, rather than having to stand up and fight the fight that beats me down every time. That is very refreshing to see that you own it and have processed it. some time we dont know what we want and some time we miss what we want and we want like time But it was not only a new aesthetic strategy. What she found, to her surprise, was a high-level relationship choice, a partner with whom she shared a great deal of mutual interest, and, ultimately, genuine love. – adoptee Yes it is true I’m tired of dating. Above all, it was now illegal to pray for the dead. Some people might actually be destined to be single, but just don’t know it yet! When it comes to dating and relationships, it’s hard not to feel that you are a victim. Leave your worries underground. I need help on your thing at the beginning it says people are clearly single because they choose to be, I don’t choose to be. I’m 29 male – usually woman find me attractive but I also have baby face (“cute”) which I’m totally afraid of now. With that being said I feel the same way you do but towards men. then there are people like me who choose not to be in a relationship, because as i have said before relationships are just stress and i dont deal well with stress. We may actually find ourselves in a relationship that is so much more rewarding than those we have experienced. It’s very hard to find a woman and start a relationship for someone who doesn’t looks good, not rich, not growing. And no, this wasn’t some sort of “outdated doctrine” that was imposed on me by my peers as so many in my generation assume. While this can be an…, Survivors of childhood trauma deserve all the peace and security that a loving relationship can provide. I’ve been here three years and I don’t even have friends. And, for you. Why? I never really was considered a man’s man nor to be one to have the knowledge to maintain a good relationship. Those good ole days weren’t so great for the men either would you really want to be saddled with a woman who hates you and only sleeps with you and stays with you because she has to? My cousin went to a singles dance with his friend many years ago and saw this girl that he was very attracted to which he said to his friend that someday i will marry her. It feels lonely being alone sometimes, but hey cheer up!! Exactly the same I’m also dealing with in life. It could mean your job will still be there and probably even better performed when you have someone there who gives you much needed support. Seriously my parents did enough of that shit to me which made me what I am right now a little pussy. Of all the women that I’ve met in my life that now have boyfriends, engaged/married or interested in someone else, I have completely cut off all communication and contact with them. Was it at this moment, in 1599, that Shakespeare first conceived of the possibility of writing about a character suspended, for virtually the whole length of a play, in this strange interim? Maybe it’s sad to some that I am “okay” with this limitation (of not wanting romantic relationships) but after the way my relationships have gone, it’s probably better this way. But a miserable relationship is not good once people feel taken for granted the resentment sets in which is the beginning of a downward spiral. I have always had a girlfriend since I was 12. And this is definitely a very different time we live in now since back in the good old days real love was very easy to find with no trouble at all either. “this world is fake and so are most of the people in it.” -Richard. You are a night person. I’m a 27 year old female and am in a similar situation. Sometimes I just sit and think that maybe I will never have a man In my life because I am not attractive,or maybe God wants me to focus on Him . Thus, achieving intimacy is a brave battle, but it is one well-worth fighting for, each and every day, both within ourselves and, ultimately, within our relationships. We are human beings first but they don’t seem to get that…. . it’s like having a cancer in society…it makes me singled out, although i’m the only single there..i tell them that the right person hasn’t come yet, and i get answers’ ‘then how long is he going to take’ ..it’s so stupid having to answer all that stuff, however this is not being asked to my colleagues. Then I met my now husband and can now study, and work, and care for my family and pets…and go on holidays and with friends and still have a loving comfortable home-life to come home to. I sometimes wish I was more like some of you guys on here that it doesnt bother. But be warned about that “getting out there” advice: Don’t go to a random bar or coffee shop or whatever and think that a stranger will start talking to you. No matter how much you love her. You said yourself you are attracted to beautiful ( or at least pretty) women and not mentioned anything about personality so why not travel to Thailand and make someone very rich and buy yourself companion. (Depression anxiety) don’t help as not many understand thre isolation. I’m not your typical girly girl at all. But the fact I model my life after Jesus Christ and I will not sacrafice my salvation, morals, personal beliefs just to make some guy happy. 01. Since most tug toys are made out of rope or other materials that can be easily destroyed by dogs don’t forget to put it away after your game. Thank you. If this is what the next 40+ years are going to look like, I want out NOW. It’s better to have wasted a couple months really trying to get to know a person who you think you might want to commit yourself to than to jump into a serious long term relationship to only find out that you’ve just wasted three years of your life. I have always enjoyed having someone there for me and to share all the times together. You are better off taking your time or making sure it’s what you want rather than jumping into a relationship so others don’t think you are weird. I don’t know where to even begin. I find I do being single better. i am 32 i hardly date a man nt because im too boring but i just dnt like the idea of dating for fun